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Xiaohai Uses a Cardboard Box to Conceal Inputs at Evo 2023

Jul 17, 2023

During the biggest fighting game tournament of the year, Evo 2023, renowned player Xiaohai has resorted to an interesting strategy to gain an advantage. He has been using a large cardboard box to cover up his arcade stick, specifically to prevent opponents from reading his inputs.

What makes this tactic even more intriguing is that Xiaohai is using a Qanba box, a product from his sponsor. While it is unclear if this is the original packaging or a specially provided box, it adds a humorous element to his strategy.

While this may seem like a unique approach, it is not uncommon for players to employ similar methods to conceal their inputs during high-stakes tournaments. However, it is rare to see a player proudly representing their sponsor while doing so.

Xiaohai’s skill in fighting games is unquestionable. In addition to being a finalist for The King of Fighters 15, he is also competing in the Street Fighter 6 bracket at Evo, where he has advanced to at least 129th place out of over 7,000 players without dropping a set.

Although we do not have information on how effective the cardboard box has been in preventing opponents from reading Xiaohai’s inputs, his results speak for themselves. His innovative strategy, combined with his exceptional gameplay, demonstrates his prowess as a top competitor in the fighting game community.