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New Orleans artist designs Louisiana 2023 'I voted' sticker

May 28, 2023

The "I voted" sticker for Louisiana this fall features a riff on the state seal, with the brown pelican and her three chicks.

Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin says he, along with New Orleans artist Becky Fos, chose the title “Confidence” for this year’s sticker.

"Confidence in our elections," explained Ardoin, "because we are a great state when it comes to running our elections and we will continue to do so out of the dedication of all the employees of the Secretary of State's office."

"I hope that this will motivate more people to come out and vote and make a difference," Fos said of her work.

Fos’s colorful artwork for last year’s sticker, which featured the state capitol, won the Elections Assistance Commissions sticker contest last year.

Voters will receive a sticker after casting their vote in the October 14 primary.

Early voting runs from September 30 to October 7.